Do you have issues with time? My friend and I will be talking about a creative project and one of us will invariably say our time mantra, “Oh, that shouldn’t take too long,” and then we laugh, knowing full well that we are wishing out loud – hoping the words will make it so.
As I’ve gotten older, I want to spend my time more wisely. As a youngster, the days stretched out in front of me seemingly forever and I thought I could afford to squander hours on end sitting in front of dumb TV or tolerating people I didn’t like.
I am coming to this conclusion with my creativity as well. I want to spend my creative time on something that makes my heart sing, that invigorates and energizes me or connects me to my spirit.
There will always people, place and things that threaten our creative time, but what about the time we spend inside our art that is no longer satisfying or necessary? Maybe you can eliminate steps that you used to do when you weren’t as sure of your abilities as you are now.
One time waster I have tried to eliminate in my creative process is the “agony hour.” That’s all the time I waste worrying if this piece is good enough, or if someone will like my work enough to pay for it. The agony hour is also time spent dreading a difficult project before I get down to business.
I have other creative project time drains that I am deleting. I used to make tons of gifts to give away. Untold amounts of time was invested in handmade gifts and the (handmade card to go with it) that often delighted me more than the recipient. I rather spend my creative time (and energy) in other areas now.
Creativity Energizer Break:
- Examine how you spend your creative time. Are you making the best use of what time you do have?
- Can you let go of unnecessary tasks that no longer interest or challenge you?
- If you participate in the “agony hour,” see if you can reduce it or eliminate it altogether.
Like sands through the hour glass…
Have a creative week!
Hugs, Diana